Npd fact maps

NPD FactMaps Desktop

Map Initialized. Center latitude: 82.7720 degrees North. Center longitude: 13.6896 degrees East. Scale: one to 28,549,028.8513. Visible Features: 5 features …

NPD FactPages

Faktasider – OD

NPD FactPages contain information regarding the petroleum activities on the Norwegian continental shelf. The data is synchronised with the NPD daily.

FactPages and FactMaps – technical information

FactPages and FactMaps – technical information – The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate

12. des. 2022 — 10/10/2017 NPD’s old FactMap WMS/WFS will be terminated October 24th 2017. New FactMaps WMS/WFS have been rolled out. Wellbores with status « …

Facts about Norwegian continental shelf

Facts about Norwegian continental shelf – The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate

31. aug. 2022 — The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate’s FactPages and FactMaps is a portal for information about discoveries, fields, wells, operators, …

Open data – The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate

Web pages with facts ;, Factmaps shows geographical information and is closely integrated with the Factpages. ; Map for ongoing and planned …

The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate has large amounts of public data about petroleum activities on the Norwegian continental shelf.

Interactive map and quick downloads –

Search and customise your own map of the Norwegian continental shelf or view and download tables, graphs, illustrations and maps used on this website.

Interaktivt kart –

Utforsk kart over norsk sokkel og lag ditt eget kartutsnitt med blant annet felt, funn, lisenser, brønner, rørledninger og mer.

Linked Open NPD FactPages – project homepage

This is the homepage for the “Linked Open NPD FactPages project”. … Stylesheets and javascripts for visualizing data, using Google Maps API with these …

Keywords: npd fact maps