Norwegian tax administration parent organization

Parental responsibility – The Norwegian Tax Administration

Parental responsibility is the duty and right parents have to make decisions for the child in personal matters. Parents with joint parental responsibility …

Parental allowance – The Norwegian Tax Administration

As a parent, you are entitled to a deduction for your documented expenses for the care of children aged 11 or under who live with you.

Norwegian Tax Administration – Wikipedia

It is organized in six regional organizations, based in Oslo, Skien, Bergen, Trondheim, Mo i Rana and Tromsø, in addition to local tax offices. Head office …

Having a child |

The Norwegian Tax Administration assigns the child a Norwegian identification number and sends a request to the mother to choose a name for the child.

Supplemental benefit for single parents –

24. jan. 2023 — Single parents who take approved education or are registered with NAV as a job seeker can have all or some of their expenses covered.

Support for childcare and expenses you have for education or job hunting when you are alone with children.

The Norwegian Tax Administration – StatRes (discontinued)

The Norwegian Tax Administration – StatRes (discontinued) – About the statistics – SSB

14. aug. 2014 — For the Tax Administration transfers are primarily the amount that the … Companies include legal tax entities, i.e. where a company is the …

In 2013, approximately 700 000 taxpayers chose to receive only an electronic tax return, which was an increase of 240 000 taxpayers or 54 per cent from 2012.

Child support (child maintenance) in Norway

Child support (child maintenance) in Norway | Nordic cooperation

When a parent does not live together with the child, they must pay child … by the NAV Collections Centre (Norwegian Tax Administration, Skatteetaten).

Here you can read about the regulations for paying and receiving child support (barnebidrag) in Norway.

The Norwegian petroleum tax system

10. jan. 2023 — Ordinary company tax + special tax = petroleum tax … The Norwegian Oil Taxation Authorities are aggressive in their approach to transfer …

The petroleum activities on the continental shelf are Norway’s most important industry. The government’s income from this industry, both as an owner (through Petoro and Equinor) and as a tax creditor, makes a crucial contribution to the national budget each year.

New National Registry — the new backbone – Knowit

New National Registry — the new backbone

Since 2016, the Norwegian Tax Administration (Skatteetaten), … and if the parents separated, only one parent had parental responsibility and naturally the …

Since 2016, the Norwegian Tax Administration (Skatteetaten), in part with help from Knowit, has been building a new backbone for ‘public Norway’ – a modernised National Registry.

Tax issues when doing business in Norway


The Norwegian Tax Administration (Skatteetaten) is subordinate to the Ministry … if the company not has a office in Norway or all the management is done.

Keywords: norwegian tax administration parent organization